Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Bingka, South Kalimantan Local Cake

Laris Manis Bisnis Kue Bingke Khas Pontianak

Bingka is one of the most favorite cake in Kalimantan. Bingka is a cake that is characteristic of Banjarese, South Kalimantan. It tastes very sweet, fatty, and soft. Bingka is one cake that is used in Banjar tradition to present 41 types of cakes for special events such as weddings. Although it can be found all year long, bingka the star in month of Ramadan as considered suitable fast breaking (buka puasa). 

Bingka is made of the following ingredients: flour, eggs, milk, sugar, and salt. As a prevalence, bingka baked with flower-shaped mold. There are various Flavor bingka like Tapai Bingka, Potato Bingka, Pumpkin Bingka, Pandanus Bingka, and etc..
In addition, there are other types of bingka become a favorite Banjar people in the month of fasting, namely "Bingka Barandam" which is actually slightly different way of making. In addition to being a typical cake Tribe Banjar, bingka also famous in the neighboring provinces such as West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, even to foreign countries such as Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.  

In west kalimantan they called bingka as Bingke. Because of different pronouncation of the people. Before it was served, bingke must be baked twice. First, on top of the stove and then in the oven to make it perfectly ripe. At least itcan take an hour untill the cake ready to eat. In the past time baking bingke quite difficult. Moreover, that time the fuel to bake a cake bingke only use firewood or charcoal. Therefore, not much bingke cake effort. But this time, there are dozens of entrepreneurs cake bingke in almost of all Kalimantan provinces.

Posted by Andini Novica Resti


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