Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Aloe Vera Ice

Hi how are you readers who may still stay in front of the laptop to search for information about our local food and drink.
Have you ever thought what would happen if we eat without drinking, of course difficult is not it? eat without drinking it like wearing no pants, incomplete bkan? eat of it, I will share the information to the reader about the local drink of course fresh and beneficial to us all. We call this drink tongues of men. Why this is so, is not the man we greet familiar with crocodiles? so no one not fresh drink we call him, or rather ice tongue ice libad crocodile?
The aloe vera plant which as we know was not only for the health and useful to hair fertilty. The aloe vera plant can be processed into a fresh drink ready to accompany you during the very hot. Especially in this equatorial city aloe plant is known as the mainstay crop. That means not difficult for us to find the basic ingredients to make preparations of aloe vera drinks. Do you want to know how to make ice aloe vera, of course I will share the info.

The Material:
1. Aloe vera leaves
2. Lime
3. Salt kitchen
4. Sugar
5. Syrup

How to make:
1. Take fresh leaves of aloe vera
2. Select the leaves are old enough and thick  old enough .The dark green leave, spiny leaf edges are soft and pale.
3. Wash the leaves of aloe vera, aloe leaf peel the clear
4. Cut the meat into the size of the leaves of aloe vera cubes to taste.
5. Wash with water until the mucus is lost, then rinsed with clean water.
6. Boil water, put the meat chunks of aloe vera, let stand for 10 minutes.
7. Soak the meat aloe vera in acid solution made from 1 liter of boiled water, then add 1 tablespoon lime juice.
8. Rinse the meat chunks of aloe vera leaves with boiled water, add sugar solution or syrup to taste.
9. Ready served.

It's easy and practical, is not it? good luck J

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