Rabu, 08 April 2015

The Taro Tendrils

Sulur Keladi
Assalamualaikum. Hopefully Allah mercy and blessings us.
Back again I greet readers. Already missed it feels like to share info to readers. Therehave been many tastes of ideas that I want to pour the readers. Not satisfied with     what I shared earlier about how delicious vegetable taro stems. As with taro stems, onthis occasion I will be back to share the info but this time on the vine taro. How interesting is not it? Certainly readers have been very curious and wondered what it was like tendrils that taro stems, how to cultivate it.

Tendrils growing taro part on tubers. Taro tendrils can be mixed with the tuber or special sulurnya only. Tendrils vegetable taro has a distinctive flavor that can not be produced by any other vegetable crops. tuber vegetable processing is not much different with taro stems. Taro tendrils skin needs to be disposed of mucus and then cut. Taro tendrils should also be boiled first with the goal of eliminating mucus and so as not to itch when cooked. boil taro taro tendrils do not need to be too long because it will eliminate the freshness and will make it wither.

The taro tendrils indeed readers will not find in supermarket , but just calm readers can find in the market-traditional markets. Caecal many types of cuisine that i can be processed from these taro tendrils. On this occasion I will share about cooking Spicy Vegetable Acid taro tendrils.
The Material
• Chilli
• Garlic
• Onion
• Pepper
• Leaves of turmeric
• Leaves kesum
• Anchovy
• Paste
How to cook
• Stir-fry the spice paste until fragrant
• Put boiled taro tendrils
• Add water little by little
• additional seasoning to taste
• Put turmeric leaves and wait until cooked
• Pick up and ready to be served
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Are you interested in trying glazed taro tendrils, should not be seen from the appearance readers. Because appearances can be deceiving and taste judge. Good luck and hopefully useful. Thanks J

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