Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Dry Noodles, Singkawang, West Kalimantan

Singkawang, one of the city located in West Kalimantan. The city is known as the Amoy city because of the many ethnic china who live here. Because of the dominance of china society so I found the food that characterizes this town, call it dry noodles. Dry noodles are sold by china but readers do not have to worry about food contaminated with pork as diner owner is a Chinese descent who converted to Islam.

Dry Noodles
Dry noodles are generally not much different from the usual chicken noodle dijual.Namun food has a flavor that is unique and different. A blend of yellow noodles handmade pakdengan topping meatballs, chicken, omelet, spring rolls mixed with beef broth flavor and aroma make more enjoyable.

How to make this dry noodles I can not explain directly because I do not have time to interview the seller. If you want to try, you can come directly into place when visiting Singkawang city .Hopefuly my info will be very useful for you. Thanks :)

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